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Underground National Archives - the hippest, the hottest, the happen'ist CD's from the kryptic music underworld. 
Seize you this site with wonder, and set your sights to ponder, through the window of creation into the pool of embronzed sensation

Graphic:  CD Cover of Dave O'Dell's Southern Emotion

Radium Sunset Records presents 
Dave O'Dell with the CHILLY WONDERS
Get on the train with a down-home flava on hot tracks headin south.  Here's Knoxville singer\songwriter Dave O'Dell's latest spirited and soulful collection of jumping jive and slippity slide. Taut ballads and rocking novelty pieces rich in steel and power slide tug the heartstrings and tap the feet.  A unique Americana compilation featuring the rocking, sensational CHILLY WONDERS.  
$10.00 (add 3.50 for shipping and handling in US)

Sample Download >



the Jaded Princes Of Western Swing.........

The original progressive country band
LIVE at the Longbranch Saloon on Cumberland, Knoxville, TN - winter -1977.   Dave O'Dell's
Lively western swing and unruly hard country, boiled down the rowdy bar's best;  Lazy Me,  I've Been Everywhere,  T for Texas,  Beat Up Buick, + hard core standards.  Follow their pathway style 20 years before new country.  Some of David Youngs best guitar breaks, vocals,  quips.  A saloon stompin' good time - great for parties. Meat Music 1977.   $10.00 (add 3.50 for shipping and handling in US)   [LAZY ME ] [HAMMER]  [ROCK NUMBER [VIDEO}

Visit Band's Page 




Cranking up some hot southern rock,  Dave O'Dell's alternative country band The Tennessee KingSnakes go off the rockter scale and register a trip, hoot, and a genuine south Knoxville HOWL!   When the gears start whirling, you'll get caught up in good rocking rhythm with a Tennessee twist.  Sitting on a powder keg of hot guitar leads, down at the dynamite shack of Americana rock. Gets kinda spooky too.........$10.00 (add 3.50 for shipping and handling in US)

Jimi's Grass >>>  Hellion Slumber >>> Reneck VORTEX Sequence




with the BOMB BABIES
LIVE At the Hi-Tone Club in Memphis 
Big Muddy hosted this pickup band of cool cats from the Secret City: Bukka Billy Blues,  Joel Fairstein, Robbie Thacker, Linda Billman, and  Dave O'Dell.  Lots of originals, some bluesy folk, and plenty-O-that Memphis BBQ style blues with Bukka Billy Blues hOnkin to the bigtime Now!  Shaken Steevee McBride gets on the keys - and you get the keys to get IT the SKULL CHILL >>>   $12.00







Dark music video creation rolled into said
  RAVE DVD. Debuts the Goth Goddess Drum Choir.  Version contains vortex sequence and bonus HOTDHAM slide show!  $10.00 

RATED PG  but still... it's for adults only



This is what you've been waiting for... A packed
DVD collection of 8 skits steeped in classic O'Dell Hotel lore - HayGood Hassell, The coveted Halloween at the Hotel,  Christmas Bonus,  Count Flatula,  Anthropole, and many rancid fables and video novelties packed into this DVD.  $12.00 

RATED PG  but still... it's for adults only



Abundant evidence supports fact beyond the BS.  Search the persistent mystery known as Sasquatch, Yetti, or BIGFOOT!  Underground National Archives in cooperation with Silly Dawn productions brings to you a comedic/dramatic documentative feature in a one act pile.  Actual BIGFOOT sounds, eyewitness reports, and lab results off the silly son-of-a-bitch!  Rated R - Great for parties, outdoor retreats.  


Joel Fairstein & SideSpin with special guest Oteil Burbridge on bass - a collection of clean, cool, piano driven jazz full of soulful feel and fine arrangements. 



Joel Fairstein's notedly fine and far-out 3rd album.  Superb keys of high action jazz launch you into the astro-sphere of the mind that is cool.  Like super cooled, cooler than eskimo hoarfrost, cooler than a saxaphone player on Pluto smoking a menthol cigarette.   $12.00

See Links: 


Little Sodi Tales of the Hive  Set in a Fort Sander's slum,  Little Sodi narrates this rancid fable that illustrates the plight of four irradiated hillbillies looking to hovel.  Experience as they did, the psychological war with a powerful rental skag, and the unearthly shock waiting at the HIVE!.   Flipside: THEM BUGS:  Hang on for another wildly dark and feloniously funny episode of an entomological horror that will have you cringing with laughter.  





Johnny Bean:  A hero in these parts. Whooped some jerky boy ass in a national taste test.  Check out the premier Redneck Comic of East Tennessee, Knoxville, Corryington, but I guess you never heard of that neither.
HIT INCLUDES: Oil Filter Rag,  Rim Job,  Pair of Goodens,  The Graveyard Hag,  + there are some extrees!  
WE GOT HIM! .butch sessions   "I'LL WHOOP YOUR DAMN ASS" sample

recording for the wild


HAPPY DAVE GETSSLAPPED SHOW!: Yes, its the original cement head in living stupor. Hear his words on how to do a VCR marathon, how to use one's head as a smoke filter, and the anatomy of a slap. Hear Crazy Dave get the hell slapped out of him in 7 different slap styles. He's crazy, He's wild, He's Happy Dave!.  DAN & STEVE: Touching radio sketch of the night two drunken immature, idiot-mechanics deal with some alcohol and evil, then get sent on a whirlwind course with divine destiny with Mr. J. Basel Christ.  Igno-Nastic. (SDP 1970).........$6.95
[ Dan and Steve.wav ]
THE ALL ARMY REVIEW: Be there in the cross fire of daily army life on an overseas hitch. Experience a vicarious thrill of being in the service on a REAL training exercise: an arduous journey through a camouflaged hell. The Archives recommends reviewing this piece before joining. Stars Private Denny Shockly, and SP/4 Vern Enlow. 1985 Sembach Air Base Germany THE BITCH  And How! Hear Nadie's theory of evolution, her lecture on the rights of people's butts vs. needles, and a very wild classification of humans as a cross between baboon's and military equipment. Whether you join in on the action and try to beat her logic, or just relax and enjoy action, Nadie will go to work on that head with unforgivable fashion.
(Play repeatedly at peak volume several times for unwanted guests.)
PILLAGE ON PAPPA RIDGE: The reenactment of the true happenin's on Pappa Ridge. Don and Tommy John get their's high on a hilltop. Plenty of bear, plenty of dear, plenty of beer, and plenty of fear in this taut, rural drama. Stars General Homer O'Toole, (HOT1968) This selection not rated

WILDCATS ALMANAC: Poignant true life story of a high school torn by the covert works of an immoral administration in the spring of the summer of love, and how a redneck gym coach is busted to a kindergarten Jack LaLaine. (HOT 1971)

THE IRON HAD OF ORHS: Follow the marshall law tactics of the infamous "Iron Hand of ORHS" through this boogie style saga. See how a power mad rampage brings the liquidation of all skin diving equipment. Ficto\Gastric.  WARNING: Language sucks. SPASTICS ON PLASTIC: The Underground captured live this tore up soiree of regional space folk and folded em into a dangerously eclectic concoction of poetry for people who don't like poetry. Enter into this bozo-poetic-kareoake cage match if you dare........$7.95


David "Yole Gipson" Young
1954-1980 Was an unforgettably talented musician and fine artist. His warm and exuberant spirit touched many lives....

Back Up the Road 205kb wav

THE LEGEND OF JURRI HUSSKI: Modern drama of a hillbilly resort cop who messes with 4 drunk hippies incessantly until he got his - comic relief style.  Hear about curfew in your own living room, the payday busts, contributing to your own juvenile delinquency.  Engineered by J. Fairstein on Cherry Street. This one you can really post bond to. (Comeo~Tradegy) (SDP1977)..........$8.95

RIPPLE: A frustrating, torturing, saga of a broken, dysfunctional, anger ridden, ripple soaked, violent, transport executive.  Inflamed by dooty pooty social situations he violently opposes society at every turn and with a drunken redneck flare....  His high life wife tries to save him, but is it too late?  General Homer O'Dell as Bauwb, Elaine "Roxanne," as Marcel,  David Young acts and adlibs the score.   (Hotel Tapes 1971)..$8.95

IN BUDDHA THERE IS NO EAST OR WEST:  Yes, The Underground has finally secured the soundtrack to this beat culture art film by New York director Eliot Widean. Also, on the flip side you get Andropov in America. Two great bohemian classics for chilling that bad brain...... (intellectually stimulating mood soundtracks)

Visit a Wave Toy Land

....Classics quips from from the Krypts

"Look out on that patio... freak, freak, freak, freak." Bunkum P. 1969 

 "He got a rope, He pull you-out..." Louisiana man to Andrew Clark 1978

Morgan country hag at carport sale 1993




Live from the LongBranch Saloon:

"David Young's most memorable work." The Atomic City Garlic Press
   "Like being there...I was there." Ron Crumb The Knoxpatch Gazeteer
"My clothes stunk like cigarettes after hearing that." The Town Lier 





click for CD sales

Me & the FBI 190kb wav     

     get real ~ support your local live music scene

BULL ROOKER EL TECH Master Blaster release engineered by Coleslaw Whaley 1976. Demo the musical genius of David Young. Features; Roberta, Cumberland Gap, One Hello, Back up the Road, Susan Van Dusan and many others..... $12.00









all rights reserved Dave O'Dell 1999